Adobe Photoshop Tutorials - Emphasizing Objects

In this tutorial, we will discuss the enhancing of a photograph to either change the mood of the viewer, or to emphasize the object/product at hand.

Emphasizing Objects Emphasizing Objects

Even though the two images are essentially identical, in the second one, the leaves on the woman's face are obviously accentuated to emphasize them, whereas the woman's face appears less colorful. In this tutorial, I will explain how to achieve these effects in several simple, but smart steps.

1. The original image:

Emphasizing Objects

2. Create a new layer, and click the Bucket Fill tool. Use black as the color of choice.

Emphasizing Objects

Emphasizing Objects

Emphasizing Objects

3. Fill the whole layer, making it black.

Emphasizing Objects

4. The layer panel should look something like this (ignore the background, it will not be used in this tutorial):

Emphasizing Objects

5. Right click on the black layer, and set the blend mode to Color:

Emphasizing Objects

6. The picture should now show up again, not in color, but in black and white:

Emphasizing Objects

7. Select the eraser tool, and select a small-medium sized brush:

Emphasizing Objects

8. Zoom in. Now, start erasing the area of the object to be empasized (in my case, the leaves):

Emphasizing Objects

Emphasizing Objects

9. Hint: In smaller areas, don't forget to change the brush size, to avoid bleeding of color. For example, I used a 5pixel brush for the stems of the leaves.

Emphasizing Objects

10. Finally, your image should look something like this.

Emphasizing Objects

11. Although the black and white picture with the color leaves looks very "cool", this style tends to be a bit cliche. Duplicate the original image layer, and drag it on top of the layer stack.

Emphasizing Objects

12. This is what the layer stack should look like:

Emphasizing Objects

Emphasizing Objects

13. Right click on the Layer 1 copy, and lets change some layer settings to achieve a more uniform look, while still keeping the leaves emphasized.

Emphasizing Objects

14. My best settings were "Overlay" at a 45% opacity (as shown), if you would like the woman to be a tad more faded, reduce the opacity even more.

Emphasizing Objects

15. The last step:

Emphasizing Objects

Enjoy your professional-quality image. The method explained works wonders in the advertising industry. Picture taken from for education puposes only.